Tips for building inclusive LGBT+ workplaces

Tips for building inclusive LGBT+ workplaces

Tips for building inclusive LGBT+ workplaces

Today marks the second annual International , a day designed to bring visibility to LGBT+ scientists, their achievements and the unique issues they face. It’s disappointing that in 2019 academics are against creating inclusive environments but heartening that thousands more are , and you can still add your name to the list.

Last year we talked about why LGBT+ STEM Day is important. This year, if you want to take your support of LGBT+ people in the workplace even further, here are my suggestions for creating a welcoming and inclusive place to work.

Learn. When you first start learning about the LGBT+ community the amount of information can be overwhelming. Just the amount of is daunting, never mind the fact that there within the LGBT+ community and people can have very strong opinions. Educating yourself is still the best way to understand more about the and of the LGBT+ community. Remember not to treat your LGBT+ friends or colleagues as walking encyclopaedias, it isn’t their responsibility to teach you and you can find loads of resources yourself.

allies at Glasgow Pride

Be visible. Scientists are generally a liberal and tolerant lot who are accepting of LGBT+ people but we don’t tend to talk about it. But remember: the absence of discrimination isn’t the same as evidence of support. If you aren’t visibly supportive, don’t assume everyone knows you’re welcoming. An LGBT+ person might not want to take the risk of working in an environment when they can’t tell how they will be treated. So show your support in tangible ways: get a rainbow lanyard, put a in your office, go to Pride or other LGBT+ events, and talk about inclusion at work.

Challenge discrimination. Challenging discriminatory behaviour or ‘harmless’ banter can feel intimidating but helps create an inclusive culture by showing any kind of anti-LGBT+ bias is unacceptable. An ‘outsider’ voice can be powerful and lends a lot of credibility. It will also make your LGBT+ colleagues feel like you have their backs. Here are some :

  • Intervene by asking the person to stop and explaining why it’s not ok.
  • Change the subject to stop that conversation.
  • If you can’t think of what to say in the moment, you can do something at a later point when you’ve decided your course of action and have your thoughts in order.
  • Raise the issue to someone who has more authority to deal with it, like a manager.

Of course you need to make sure you feel comfortable and safe in the situation, you aren’t obligated to put yourself in danger (not that this should happen in the workplace hopefully!)
pronoun badges

Talk about pronouns. is a really simple way to make a more inclusive environment for trans, non-binary and gender nonconforming people as well as encouraging people not to make assumptions about gender. It shows that you’re aware of gender issues and that you’re supportive of people expressing themselves however they choose. Why not start by putting yours in your email signature or writing it on your conference badge?

Listen. This is the most important thing. When it comes down to it, all LGBT+ people are individuals who will have their own , opinions, and concerns. The best way to support your colleagues is to listen to what they have to say. This goes for LGBT+ people too: a white trans woman and gay Asian man will have very different experiences and can learn a lot from each other and support each other.

I hope you’ll find these tips give you ideas of practical changes you can make to help create LGBT+ inclusive environments. When writing this I tried to come up with science and lab specific suggestions but came up empty so if you have ideas I’d love to hear from you!