

Join the Babraham Institute Alumni community!

Remain a part of the Babraham Institute community! You may no longer be on campus but that doesn’t mean it’s goodbye! We are very proud of our alumni and enjoy hearing about their careers and achievements and sharing these with current Institute staff and students in order to inspire their next steps. The aims of the Institute’s alumni programme are to connect alumni with each other and with current staff in order to:

  • build a wider Babraham community, sharing information about our research, events, opportunities and Institute life,
  • follow the successes of our staff,
  • enable and facilitate networking and collaborative opportunities,
  • highlight varied career paths to current students and post docs,
  • create a pool of potential mentors.

Join the community!

We aim to capture your future contact details as you move on but we may have lost track of you, so please do send an email to alumni@babraham.ac.uk with details of which group you were in while at the Institute, when that was and where you are now. Remember to also join the  to reconnect with other alumni. We look forward to hearing from you!

Your involvement is important to us

Share: Are you interested in sharing your careers experience, reflections of your time at the Institute, your recent success and awards? Get in touch with us by emailing alumni@babraham.ac.uk. We’d be delighted to hear from you. You can also share news and take part in conversations with other members of the alumni community by joining our Alumni LinkedIn page. 

Guide: You have first-hand experience of what the Institute can offer. Recommend the Institute to those looking to take the next step in their career, whether a prospective PhD student, group leader, or science-support role.

Promote: Proud of what you achieved here? Help share the Institute’s ongoing successes with your networks. You can keep up to date with the Institute’s latest news and current activities on , and .

Babraham Institute alumni – where are they now?

Click on the pins to find out more about our alumni. Not on the map? Email alumni@babraham.ac.uk with brief details of when you were at the Institute, which group/in what capacity and where you are now.